MosuFan2004 Wikia

Moth-o-Roach Revolution was a revolutionary move that happened under BRK's fridge. MosuFan2004 and the Cockroaches under BRK's fridge were the main defenders of the under-the-fridge. CdrWikizilla and BRK were the commanders of the mission. MosuFan shouted "DEFEND PUDDING" while the cockroaches were shouting "HOOORAY". CdrWikizilla and MosuFan said "REMOVE KEBAB", and then the army of cockroaches attacked. When the attackers were defeated, they came back with Gigan and King Ghidorah. The defenders were getting defeated, but then suddenly, BRK shouted "FOR KAIJUISM" while going up on a robotic chair to a giant minigun. The enemies were defeated and then BRK gave MosuFan pudding.
